Authors: Shafiei, A; Dusseault, MB


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Shafiei, A & Dusseault, MB 2008, 'Predicting Squeezing Potential Along the First 16 Kilometres of the Qomroud Long Tunnel Project in Iran Using Empirical Criteria', in Y Potvin, J Carter, A Dyskin & R Jeffrey (eds), SHIRMS 2008: Proceedings of the First Southern Hemisphere International Rock Mechanics Symposium, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 85-101,

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Central Iran can be described as an arid region which suffers from water shortage and very limited water supply. The Dez-Qomroud tunnel projects will convey water from the adjacent Dez Highlands to a central Iran watershed known as Qomroud in order to satisfy the water needs. In this article, we first highlight the engineering geology, rock mass properties and intact rock properties of the first 16 km of the Qomroud Long Tunnel (QLT), a portion of the Dez-Qomroud tunnel projects, and then we assess this section for squeezing ground condition potential using available empirical relations and criteria published in the literature. Some mitigation measures are recommended in order to treat the squeezing ground condition in the identified problem bearing sections along the studied tunnel.

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