Authors: Capes, G; Milne, D


Cite As:
Capes, G & Milne, D 2008, 'A Compilation of Dilution Graph Data for Open Stope Hangingwall Design', in Y Potvin, J Carter, A Dyskin & R Jeffrey (eds), SHIRMS 2008: Proceedings of the First Southern Hemisphere International Rock Mechanics Symposium, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 149-162,

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This paper presents data from a thesis currently being completed on the stability of open stope hangingwalls based on knowledge gained from site visits and data collection at underground mines in Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan. One of the key objectives of the thesis was to add data to the Dilution Graph (Clark, 1998), an empirical design method, which was developed to quantify open stope footwall and hangingwall overbreak prediction. Data collected from the mines, specifically directed at areas of the Dilution Graph which have limited data, and data from literature are presented together to provide a large database of empirical data for hangingwall stability in open stope operations. A discussion is presented on the benefits and pitfalls of the design method and the applied use of the graph with consideration to mine specific design factors.

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