Authors: Kopačková, V; Bourguignon, A; Chevrel, S; Koubová, M; Rojik, P

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Kopačková, V, Bourguignon, A, Chevrel, S, Koubová, M & Rojik, P 2009, 'Effect of mineralogical and geochemical properties on reflectance properties of waste from Sokolov open pit lignite mine, Czech Republic', in AB Fourie & M Tibbett (eds), Mine Closure 2009: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 569-580,

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The reported study aimed to identify low-pH areas at the Sokolov lignite open pit, using space borne and ground-based spectroradiometry. Mineral spectroradiometry, from spaceborne sensors and ground measurements, represents an alternative to conventional methods and provides an efficient way to characterise mines and assess the potential for acid mine drainage (AMD) discharge. The mineralogical composition of sediments is primarily a determinant of their inherent reflectance properties. However, additional parameters such as organic matter content and trace element abundance are also known to have an influence on soil and sediment reflectance. As long as the effects of sediment composition, organic matter content and trace element abundance can be spectrally distinguished, it might be possible to map these variables at synoptic scales using remotely sensed data. In mining environments (still active and abandoned mines), mapping the spatial distribution of mineral composition and the additional soil/rock parameters provide unique constraints on both the origin of the allochthonous material as well as the geochemical processes that occur at the site. Field and laboratory spectra of more than 250 surface rock samples at the Sokolov open pit mine, Czech Republic, were measured using an analytical spectral device (ASD) spectroradiometer during field investigations in 2007 and 2008. Additional in situ and laboratory pH measurements, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analyses and other laboratory methods allowing a quantitative diagnostic of trace elements, sulphur and organic matter were conducted on the selected field samples. Firstly, the effect of the mineralogy and the geochemical variables, e.g. organic matter and AMD mineral indicators, on the rock reflectance property was studied and then the feasibility of resolving some of these effects with satellite imagery, e.g. advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) was tested.

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