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Authors Title Year
Madjdabadi, B; Valley, B; Dusseault, MB; Kaiser, PK Numerical study of grout–rock mass interaction effect on distributed optical fibre sensor measurements
Deep Mining 2014: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2014
Valley, B; Kaiser, PK; Duff, D Consideration of uncertainty in modelling the behaviour of underground excavations
Deep Mining 2010: Proceedings of the Fifth International Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2010
Duff, DJ; Valley,B; Milkereit, B; McGaughey, J Rock mass response to deep mining induced stress—research and tools development at the CEMI, Canada
Strategic versus Tactical 2011: Proceedings of the Fourth International Seminar on Strategic versus Tactical Approaches in Mining, Strategic versus Tactical 2011
Kaiser, PK; Kim, B; Bewick, RP; Valley, B Rock mass strength at depth and implications for pillar design
Deep Mining 2010: Proceedings of the Fifth International Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2010

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