Authors: Gray, I; Wood, J; Neels, B; O’Brien, A


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Gray, I, Wood, J, Neels, B & O’Brien, A 2013, 'The hydrogeology of a moving cut slope and real time modelling of groundwater movement', in PM Dight (ed.), Slope Stability 2013: Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Slope Stability in Open Pit Mining and Civil Engineering, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 1131-1146,

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This paper covers the work undertaken to determine the behaviour of groundwater in a moving cut slope comprising fractured igneous rock overlying sedimentary deposits. The work was undertaken to provide part of a solution to the stabilisation of the slope through drainage. The work initially involved the installation of multiple piezometers and several pumping tests to determine the hydraulic conductivity and storage characteristics of the rock mass. Using this information a numerical model of the slope was created in which the time variant input was the piezometric head. Using the values of hydraulic conductivity and storage along with the varying piezometric information it was possible to determine where water was entering and leaving the slope during different weather events and to therefore optimise drainage design. The paper also describes the data acquisition and telemetry system developed and employed on this project and also some of the mathematics of drainage design. The paper also considers some drainage solutions to stabilise the slope more effectively than the cut and fill approach that has not yet succeeded.

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