Authors: White, A; McGuinness, M; Newman, V


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White, A, McGuinness, M & Newman, V 2013, 'Pipeline wear solution at Kidd Mine: energy absorbent ceramic composites', in R Jewell, AB Fourie, J Caldwell & J Pimenta (eds), Paste 2013: Proceedings of the 16th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 559-566,

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Pipeline wear is an important consideration in the design and operation of paste fill distribution systems. The more significant the wear, the more time and money is invested in tracking it, replacing worn or failed pipe, and at times even modifying the distribution system to adapt to it. At Xstrata Copper’s Kidd Mine, much higher wear rates were experienced than anticipated during original design of the system. Much has been learned about pipeline wear during eight years of paste fill at Kidd, and that knowledge, together with increased confidence in bonding properties and wear resistance of energy absorbent ceramic composite pipe linings, has led to a recent change in strategy. This paper presents this move away from ongoing wear-adaptive system changes to investing in a life-of-mine (LOM) ceramic composite-lined distribution system at the Kidd Mine. Important aspects of the business case are described, including recent experience with these linings in system boreholes, a cash flow comparison with traditional Schedule 80 piping, and soft benefits of a wear resistant system. Also discussed are some key operational and technical items to be addressed as part of the transition to ceramic polymer composite linings.

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