Authors: Stephenson, RM; Sandy, MP

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Stephenson, RM & Sandy, MP 2017, 'Ground control methods in squeezing and rockburst-prone ground in mining — case studies and benchmarking', in J Wesseloo (ed.), Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 681-692,

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Underground mines with high rock stress to rock strength ratios tend to experience squeezing ground conditions or rockbursting conditions, or a combination of both. The ground control methods and strategies that have evolved to manage such conditions have some similarities and some differences. Mining can continue successfully in such adverse conditions provided appropriate ground control methods are applied. This paper discusses various aspects of ground control in high stress environments and presents a literature review to discuss (1) the rock mass response to high stress conditions, and (2) the implications for ground support requirements and the effectiveness of support systems over the service life of development. Case studies are presented to describe examples of ground control methods in both squeezing and rockburstprone ground conditions. Information describing the current practices for ground control at a number of high stress underground mines is also presented.

Keywords: ground control, high stress, squeezing, rockburst-prone

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