Authors: Sotoudeh, F; Kakaie, R; Ataei, M


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Sotoudeh, F, Kakaie, R & Ataei, M 2017, 'Development of a computer program for underground mine stope optimisation using a heuristic algorithm', in M Hudyma & Y Potvin (eds), UMT 2017: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 689-700,

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Stope layout optimisation improves the economic potential of any underground mining operation and maximises profitability over mine life. A limited number of algorithms are available for underground stope layout optimisation. However, the available algorithms do not guarantee an optimal solution in threedimensional space. In this paper, existing algorithms for underground stope layout optimisation were reviewed and a computer program called Stope Layout Optimizer 3D (SLO3D) was developed as a C# user interface to implement a heuristic algorithm for optimisation of underground stope boundaries. SLO3D provides an interactive environment to define and edit important parameters related to the stope layout optimisation, including block model parameters, stope geometry, and economic factors. Finally, an example is presented to demonstrate the implementation of algorithm with different stope limits and selection type strategies.

Keywords: underground mining, stope layout optimisation, heuristic algorithms, SLO3D

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