Authors: Read, JRL


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Read, JRL 2021, 'Three-dimensional limit equilibrium slope stability analyses, method, and design acceptance criteria uncertainties', in PM Dight (ed.), SSIM 2021: Second International Slope Stability in Mining, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 3-10,

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A review of the information available in the public domain has shown that there are geological and mathematical uncertainties in the method used and the design acceptance criteria for threedimensional limit equilibrium stability analyses offered to prepare slope designs in asymmetrical, closely jointed and interbedded and folded rocks. The geological and mathematical criteria assumed are concluded to be impracticable and not well enough understood with respect to the slope configurations that they are being applied. It is recommended that a geotechnical research project be undertaken to resolve these issues and uncertainties.

Keywords: three-dimensional, limit equilibrium, uncertainty, design acceptance criteria

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