Authors: Dressler, S; Waygood, C

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Dressler, S & Waygood, C 2024, 'Improving landform design using analysis of high-resolution survey data from constructed linear and geomorphic landforms in New South Wales, Australia', in AB Fourie, M Tibbett & G Boggs (eds), Mine Closure 2024: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 769-778,

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Design of a stable post-mining landform typically goes through analysis at the design stage and then assessment using a landscape evolution model to demonstrate sustainability. The above methods generally rely on laboratory testing and computer models to quantify erosion risk. Real-world data is often scarce, and both time-consuming and costly to collect. The authors have developed an innovative approach to analyse high-resolution lidar surveys using a flow model accelerated with graphics processing units to quantify the extent, depth and volume of erosion on a site using a single dataset. The approach has been used since early 2023 on several sites in New South Wales, Australia. The outcomes provide useful data and highlight some of the opportunities, constraints and challenges for both traditional and geomorphic landforms. We believe the learnings are useful for practitioners looking to apply both traditional and geomorphic design approaches.

Keywords: landform design, geomorphic approach, monitoring, erosion rates

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