Authors: Charette, F


Cite As:
Charette, F 2009, 'Considerations on the selection of rockbolts for rapid and secure mine development', in PM Dight (ed.), SRDM 2009: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on Safe and Rapid Development Mining, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 9-20,

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This paper presents a comparison of various rockbolt systems based on the rapidity of advance, cost of advance, opportunities for mechanisation, as well as immediate and long-term roof stability. The main rockbolt types analysed are the traditional shell expansion rockbolt, split tube bolts, resin grouted rebars and water expanded friction rockbolts. Typical productivity of the abovementioned bolting systems, based on actual field measurements, is reviewed and compared. Advantages and problems related to mechanisation are discussed and proposals for improvements are made.

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