Authors: Nurtjahya, E; Nur, MM; Mulyono, E


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Nurtjahya, E, Nur, MM & Mulyono, E 2009, 'Rice field cultivation on tin-mined land in Bangka Island, Indonesia', in AB Fourie & M Tibbett (eds), Mine Closure 2009: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 549-560,

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Changing from previously tin-mined land into rice fields is good practice for increasing food stability in the province of Bangka Belitung Islands, as most major staples currently come from other islands. This pioneering project of Bangka Goes Green is a corporate social responsibility of a private tin smelter consortium in Pangkalpinang. Rice fields with an average area of 750 m2 were planted for the first time in October 2008. Rice field cultivation on previously tin-mined land has not been practiced before in this province. About of 16 m3 mineral soil and 26 t of compost were added to each newly constructed plot. Each hectare of 105–110 day rice field produced about 4–5 t dried unhulled rice, yielding 2.4–3 t rice grain, 25 t straw, 1.2–1.5 t husk, and 0.4–0.5 kg bran. The yields of IR64 dried unhulled rice and rice grain was close to those from unmined soil, i.e. 4–5 t and 3 t/ha consecutively. From the heavy metal content perspective, the rice grain is considered safe with no significant difference in contents for mined and unmined husks. If construction costs, mineral soil supply and compost costs are excluded, the pilot project benefits are about 9–12.8 million Rp/ha, if these costs are inclusive it suffers losses of 10–13.7 million Rp/ha. The economic benefit of rice field cultivation cannot, therefore, compensate the environmental recovery of previously mined land. Apart from this agricultural success, considerable efforts now have to be made to modify the soil amendment procedures in order to increase the benefits which may cover environmental loss.

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