Authors: Henriquez, J; Vandervoort, A; Simms, P


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Henriquez, J, Vandervoort, A & Simms, P 2009, 'Imaging and Modelling of Flows of Gold Paste Tailings During Deposition — Laboratory Study and Field Scale Predictions', in R Jewell, AB Fourie, S Barrera & J Wiertz (eds), Paste 2009: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 31-38,

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One important challenge in managing surface deposition of paste or thickened tailings is to predict the evolving geometry of the tailings stack during deposition. In this work, paste gold tailings are dynamically imaged during multilayer deposition in a flume and in conical flows. Each layer is left to self-weight consolidate before the next layer is placed. It is found that both the steady-state profiles and the dynamic flows can be modelled as a Bingham fluid using equations developed from lubrication theory. Yield stress and viscosity were determined using rheometry and slump tests. It is shown that the yield stress obtained from the slump test may overestimate the yield stress of significance to flow deposition; namely that yield stress that characterises when the tailings stop flowing. The lubrication theory equations show that the overall angle of a tailings deposit at steady-state is dependent on the scale of the flow, which may explain the discrepancy between laboratory flume angles and field angles noted in practice. The lubrication theory model is extended to three dimensions and compared to field profiles at one paste tailings site.

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38 Paste 2009, Viña del Mar, Chile

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