Cite As:
Schoenbrunn, F, Rajala, J & McCleary, C 2009, 'Design and Operation of the Kupol Project Counter-Current Decantation Circuit Using Deep Cone Thickeners', in R Jewell, AB Fourie, S Barrera & J Wiertz (eds),
Paste 2009: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 77-84,
Kinross Gold’s Kupol Mine elected to use deep cone thickeners for their counter-current decantation (CCD)
circuit as well as the grind thickener. Deep cone thickeners are commonly used for CCD circuits in the
alumina industry, but this is the first application of that technology outside of alumina. The project started
with process testing and proceeded through design, construction and startup. The circuit design
incorporated both mechanical and process challenges. Using deep cone thickening allowed the CCD circuit
to be installed indoors which was necessary in the arctic environment at Kupol. The deep cone thickener
(DCT) performance allowed the CCD circuit to be reduced from six thickeners to five while maintaining the
desired recovery. Some of the circuit features include partial pumping of overflow, maintenance access
considerations, underflow pumping via centrifugal pumps and shear thinning, interstage mixing, and
flocculant dilution design. Data from startup will be included.