Papers > Open Pit > Rock Dumps > Rock Dumps 2008: First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads

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Proceedings Acknowledgements

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Authors Title Year
Barton, NR Shear Strength of Rockfill, Interfaces and Rock Joints, and their Points of Contact in Rock Dump Design
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Gutierrez, LAF; Viterbo, VC; McLemore, VT; Aimone-Martin, CT Geotechnical and Geomechanical Characterisation of the Goathill North Rock Pile at the Questa Molybdenum Mine, New Mexico, USA
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Brett, DM; Hutchison, BJ; Kent, s Savage River Mine — Rock Dump Evolution
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Ulrich, BF Geotechnical Aspects of the Hydro-Jex Operation
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Pries, J; Bishop, D; Hayes, S The Use of Geosynthetics in Mining Works
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Valenzuela, L; Bard, E; Campaña, J; Anabalón, ME High Waste Rock Dumps — Challenges and Developments
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Williams, DJ; Rohde, TK Rainfall Infiltration Into and Seepage From Rock Dumps — A Review
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Journet, NC Conceptual Analyses of Waste Dump Options Used to Prepare a Detailed Progressive Waste Dump Life-of-Mine Plan
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Wilson, GW; Wickland, B; Miskolczi, J Design and Performance of Paste Rock Systems for Improved Mine Waste Management
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Russell, M So You Want to Have the Best Possible Waste Rock Dump
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Williams, DJ; Topal, E; Zhang, N; Scott, P Development of a Rock Dump Scheduling Model Using Linear Programming
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Drebenstedt, C; Struzina, M Overburden Management for Formation of Internal Dumps in Coal Mines
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Haymont, R; Clements, E; Lacy, H Effective Allocation of Resources in Landform Repair and Reconstruction for Closure — Newmont’s Tanami Closure Programme 2005-2008
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
van Zyl, D Integrated Heap Leach Design — Incorporating Unsaturated Material Considerations
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Garvie, AM; Linklater, CM; Lestari, R; McCaffery, K Using In Situ Measurements and Modelling to Effectively Manage Large Copper Sulfide Bearing Ore Stockpiles
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Yin, SH; Wu, AX; Wang, HJ; Zhou, B Challenges Faced by Dexing Copper Mine ― A Case Study of Dump Leaching in China
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Galla, V; van Zyl, D; Morrow, S Evaluating Unsaturated Flow of Heap Leach Materials in Large Diameter Column Tests
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Williams, DJ; Scott, P; Johnston, D; Lee, G Rock Dump Design to Limit Potential Acid Drainage
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Wu, AX; Yang, BH; Yin, SH; Wang, YM The Analysis of the Pore Evolution of Ore Granular Media During Bacteria Heap Leaching Based on X-Ray Computerised Tomography
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Grießl, D; Tynior, R; Schwarz, R Multi-Barrier Systems for Rock Dump Rehabilitation with Special Focus on Hazardous Waste, Acid Rock Drainage, and Radiation Protection
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Haymont, R; Clements, E; Lacy, HWB Closure Through a Process of Collaboration - Suggestions as to How Mining Companies and Contractors Can Work Together to Make Closure Processes Successful
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Loch, RJ; Lowe, SM A Logical Framework for the Design, Construction, and Rehabilitation of Mine Site Waste Rock Dumps
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
Jones, H The Metamorphism of Dumps into Hills
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008
McPhail, GI; Rye, C Comparison of the Erosional Performance of Alterative Slope Geometries
Rock Dumps 2008: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on the Management of Rock Dumps, Stockpiles and Heap Leach Pads, Rock Dumps 2008

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