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Authors Title Year
Ogasawara, H; Liebenberg, B; Rickenbacher, M; Ziegler, M; van Esterhuizen, H; Onstott, TC; Durrheim, RJ, Manzi, MSD; Mngadi, S; Yabe, Y; Ogasawara, H; Kaneki, S; Cason, E; Vermeuren, J-G; van Heerden, E; Wiersberg, T; Zimmer, M; Kujawa, C; Conze, R; van Aswegen, G; Wechsler, N; Ward, AK; Enslin, S; Tau, S; Bucibo, MS 2019 status report: Drilling into seismogenic zones of M2.0–M5.5 earthquakes in South African gold mines (DSeis project)
Deep Mining 2019: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2019
Yabe, Y; Abe, S; Ito, T; Ishida, A; Sugimura, K; Kanematsu, M; Higashi, M; Tadokoro, R; Ogasawara, H; Funato, A; Kato, H; Watson, B; Mngadi, S; Durrheim, R; Hofmann, G; Scheepers, L In-situ stress around source faults of seismic events in and beneath South African deep gold mines
Deep Mining 2019: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2019
Ogasawara, H; Nakatani, M; Durrheim, RJ; Naoi, M; Yabe, Y; Moriya, H; Hofmann, GF; Stander, C; Roberts, DP; de Bruin, P; Oelofse, J; Kato, H; Cichowicz, A; Birch, D; Ngobeni, D; Milev, A; Kgarume, T; Satoh, T; Horiuchi, S; Kawakata, H; Murakami, O; Yoshimitsu, N; Ward, AK; Wienand, J; Lenegan, P; Yilmaz, H; Mngadi, S; Piper, PS; Clements, TN; Nakao, S; Okubo, M; Ishii, H; Visser, AV Observational studies of the rock mass response to mining in highly stressed gold mines in South Africa
Deep Mining 2014: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2014
Durrheim, RJ; Ogasawara, H; Nakatani, M; Yabe, Y; Kawakata, H; Naoi, M; Ward, AK; Murphy, SK; Wienand, J; Lenegan, P; Milev, AM; Murakami, O; Yoshimitsu, N; Kgarume, T; Cichowicz, A Establishment of SATREPS experimental sites in South African gold mines to monitor phenomena associated with earthquake nucleation and rupture
Deep Mining 2012: Proceedings of the Sixth International Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2012
Durrheim, RJ; Ogasawara, H; Nakatani, M; Yabe, Y; Milev, A M; Cichowicz, A; Kawakata, H; Moriya, H Observational studies to mitigate seismic risks in mines — a new Japanese–South African collaborative research project
Deep Mining 2010: Proceedings of the Fifth International Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2010

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