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Authors Title Year
Ogasawara, H; Liebenberg, B; Rickenbacher, M; Ziegler, M; van Esterhuizen, H; Onstott, TC; Durrheim, RJ, Manzi, MSD; Mngadi, S; Yabe, Y; Ogasawara, H; Kaneki, S; Cason, E; Vermeuren, J-G; van Heerden, E; Wiersberg, T; Zimmer, M; Kujawa, C; Conze, R; van Aswegen, G; Wechsler, N; Ward, AK; Enslin, S; Tau, S; Bucibo, MS 2019 status report: Drilling into seismogenic zones of M2.0–M5.5 earthquakes in South African gold mines (DSeis project)
Deep Mining 2019: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2019
von Ketelhodt, J; Ligaraba, D; Durrheim, RJ Analysis of the Gutenberg-Richter b-values of overlapping seismic clusters with application to Cooke 4 gold mine
Deep Mining 2019: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2019
Yabe, Y; Abe, S; Ito, T; Ishida, A; Sugimura, K; Kanematsu, M; Higashi, M; Tadokoro, R; Ogasawara, H; Funato, A; Kato, H; Watson, B; Mngadi, S; Durrheim, R; Hofmann, G; Scheepers, L In-situ stress around source faults of seismic events in and beneath South African deep gold mines
Deep Mining 2019: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2019
Masethe, RT; Durrheim, R J; Manzi, MSD The seismic response to mining during the extraction of the Thuthukani shaft pillar, Kloof Operations, South Africa
Deep Mining 2019: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2019
Durrheim, RJ Has research and development contributed to improvements in safety and profitability of deep South African mines?
Deep Mining 2014: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2014
Ogasawara, H; Nakatani, M; Durrheim, RJ; Naoi, M; Yabe, Y; Moriya, H; Hofmann, GF; Stander, C; Roberts, DP; de Bruin, P; Oelofse, J; Kato, H; Cichowicz, A; Birch, D; Ngobeni, D; Milev, A; Kgarume, T; Satoh, T; Horiuchi, S; Kawakata, H; Murakami, O; Yoshimitsu, N; Ward, AK; Wienand, J; Lenegan, P; Yilmaz, H; Mngadi, S; Piper, PS; Clements, TN; Nakao, S; Okubo, M; Ishii, H; Visser, AV Observational studies of the rock mass response to mining in highly stressed gold mines in South Africa
Deep Mining 2014: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2014
Durrheim, RJ; Ogasawara, H; Nakatani, M; Yabe, Y; Kawakata, H; Naoi, M; Ward, AK; Murphy, SK; Wienand, J; Lenegan, P; Milev, AM; Murakami, O; Yoshimitsu, N; Kgarume, T; Cichowicz, A Establishment of SATREPS experimental sites in South African gold mines to monitor phenomena associated with earthquake nucleation and rupture
Deep Mining 2012: Proceedings of the Sixth International Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2012
Durrheim, RJ Functional specifications for in-stope support based on seismic and rockburst observations in South African mines
Deep Mining 2012: Proceedings of the Sixth International Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2012
Kgarume, TE; Spottiswoode, SM; Durrheim, RJ Deterministic properties of mine tremor aftershocks
Deep Mining 2010: Proceedings of the Fifth International Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2010
Durrheim, RJ; Ogasawara, H; Nakatani, M; Yabe, Y; Milev, A M; Cichowicz, A; Kawakata, H; Moriya, H Observational studies to mitigate seismic risks in mines — a new Japanese–South African collaborative research project
Deep Mining 2010: Proceedings of the Fifth International Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2010
Durrheim, RJ; Cichowicz, A; Ebrahim-Trollope, R; Essrich, F; Goldbach, O; Linzer, LM; Spottiswoode, SM; Stankiewicz, T Guidelines, Standards and Best Practice for Seismic Hazard Assessment and Rockburst Risk Management in South African Mines
Deep Mining 2007: Proceedings of the Fourth International Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2007
Durrheim, RJ; Labrie, D Data-Driven Simulation of the Rockmass Response to Mining (Part 2)—Numerical Modelling of the “Room and Pillar” Experiment
RaSiM6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Rockburst and Seismicity in Mines Proceedings, RaSiM6
Reviewer for Conferences
Deep Mining 2024: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2024
UMT 2020: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, UMT2020
Deep Mining 2019: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2019

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