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Authors Title Year
Li, D; Liu, B; He, J; Li, X; Jian, M Strength and transportability of cemented phosphogypsum paste backfilling slurry
Paste 2017: Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste 2017
Arbi, HF; Doumis, K; Dalton, N Strengths and weaknesses of using elastic numerical modelling in mine design at the Callie underground mine
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Abolfazlzadeh, Y; McKinnon, SD Stress field characterisation in Nickel Rim South Mine using seismic stress inversion
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Stefanek, P; Engels, J; Wrzosek, K; Sobiesak, P; Zalewski, M Surface tailings disposal at the Żelazny Most TSF, today and into the future
Paste 2017: Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste 2017
Kothe, T TamCrete structural support liner – a rapid polymeric structural support lining
UMT 2017: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, UMT 2017
Liu, P Technologies and practices of mechanized backfill mining for water protection with aeolian sand paste-like
Paste 2017: Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste 2017
Baiden, G Telerobotics for hang-up assessment and removal – an idea whose time has come
UMT 2017: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, UMT 2017
Baig, AM; Bosman, K; Urbancic, TI Temporal changes in stress state imaged through seismic tomography
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
de Beer, W; Jalbout, A; Riyanto, E; Ginting, R; Sullivan, M; Collins, DS The design, optimisation, and use of the seismic system at the deep and high-stress block cave Deep Mill Level Zone mine
UMT 2017: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, UMT 2017
Morissette, P; Hadjigeorgiou, J The development of a ground support design strategy for deep mines subjected to dynamic-loading conditions
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Yang, L; Wang, H; Wu, S; Wu, A; Wang, Y; Zhou, X; Zhang, L; Yang, X The effects of mixing time on cement paste slurry transport and mechanical property
Paste 2017: Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste 2017
Morkel, IG; Rossi-Rivera, P The implementation and quantification of the Vallejos and McKinnon re-entry methodology
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Charette, F; Bennett, A The importance of the face plate as part of an engineered holistic ground support scheme in dynamic conditions
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Vakili, A The improved unified constitutive model: a fine-tuned material model tailored for more challenging geotechnical conditions
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Krimpenfort, H; Ricks, B; Schermann, E The largest piston diaphragm pump in the world: from drawing board to operational experience
Paste 2017: Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste 2017
Potvin, Y The need for new technology to optimise the engineering design of ground support systems in underground mines
UMT 2017: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, UMT 2017
Tierney, SR; Morkel, IG The optimisation and comparison of re-entry assessment methodologies for use in seismically active mines
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Woodward, K; Wesseloo, J; Potvin, Y The spatial and temporal assessment of clustered and time-dependent seismic responses to mining
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Kalenchuk, KS; Hume, CD; Morin, F; Bawden, WF; Oke, J; Palleske, CK The unanticipated performance of a weak massive rock mass at depth and the added value of observational engineering
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Basarir, H; Wesseloo, J; Karrech, A; Pasternak, E; Dyskin, A The use of soft computing methods for the prediction of rock properties based on measurement while drilling data
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Thompson, N; Moreno, P Thickened tailings deposition for closure
Paste 2017: Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste 2017
Pirouz, B; Javadi, S; Seddon, K Thickener performance variability: underflow solids concentration and flowrate
Paste 2017: Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste 2017
Wu, AX; Cheng, H; Yang, Y Thixotropic behavior of paste
Paste 2017: Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste 2017
Rajmeny, PK; Vakili, A Three-dimensional inelastic numerical back-analysis of observed rock mass response to mining in an Indian mine under high-stress conditions
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Ghazvinian, E; Kalenchuk, KS; Diederichs, MS Three-dimensional random Voronoi models for simulation of brittle rock damage around underground excavations in laminated ground
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Ghazvinian, E; Kalenchuk, KS Three-dimensional Voronoi-based distinct element model for simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Erismann, F; Kurz, C; Hansson, M; Almas, J Translating paste backfill admixture results from the laboratory into the field
Paste 2017: Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste 2017
Boxill, L; Loan, M; Utting, L; Reid, D Uncertainty ranges in estimating e0 and low-density consolidation characteristics for polymer treatment assessments
Paste 2017: Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste 2017
Lyu, WS; Cai, SJ; Yang, P; Zhang, YL Underground environment parameter prediction in a deep mine
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Baines, J; Bell, T; Grigg, N Underground mineral processing – Gekko Systems modular Python
UMT 2017: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, UMT 2017
Rodriguez, G Underground versatile laser scanning solution
UMT 2017: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, UMT 2017
Preston, RP; Roy, J Use of unmanned aerial vehicles to supplement conventional investigation methods for underground open void stability and mitigation
UMT 2017: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, UMT 2017
Suzuki Morales, K; Suorineni, FT Using numerical modelling to represent parameters affecting cave mining
UMT 2017: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, UMT 2017
Maybee, B; Yana, J Using the single index model to create a short-term mine plan
UMT 2017: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, UMT 2017
Knight, A; Sofrà, F; Stickland, A; Scales, P; Lester, D; Buscall, R Variability of shear yield stress – measurement and implications for mineral processing
Paste 2017: Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste 2017
Carusone, O; Hudyma, M Variations in apparent stress and energy index as indicators of stress and yielding around excavations
UMT 2017: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, UMT 2017
Álvarez, RA; Acuña, EI Ventilation and fire door coverage solution at the Chuquicamata underground mine project
UMT 2017: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, UMT 2017
Acuña, EI; Allen, C Ventilation control system implementation and energy consumption reduction at Totten Mine with Level 4 Tagging and future plans
UMT 2017: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, UMT 2017
Yan, S; Jiao, H; Chen, X; Yang, Y; Han, Z; Liu, Z; Sun, G Yield stress of unclassified tailings paste based on L-Box method
Paste 2017: Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste 2017
Makarov, VV; Ksendzenko, LS; Opanasiuk, NA; Golosov, AM Zonal failure structure near the deep openings
Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Deep Mining 2017
Krimpenfort , H A comparison between various pump systems for high flow rate tailings pipelines
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Carneiro, A; Fourie, AB A conceptual cost comparison of alternative tailings disposal strategies in Western Australia
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Reid, D; Jefferies, M A geological principle for the density of thickened tailings
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Cumming-Potvin, D; Wesseloo, J; Jacobsz, SW; Kearsley, E A re-evaluation of the conceptual model of caving mechanics
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Morrison, DM; Drylie, V; Labrecque, PO A systems approach to mining innovation
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Nadolski, S; Klein, B; Hart, CJR; Moss, A; Elmo, D An approach to evaluating block and panel cave projects for sensor-based sorting applications
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Knox, G; Berghorst, A; de Bruin, P An empirical comparison between new and existing laboratory-based dynamic sample configurations
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Malovichko, D; Cuello, D; Rojas, E Analysis of damaging seismic event on 24 December 2011 in the Pilar Norte sector of El Teniente mine
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Qi, S; Simms, P Analysis of dewatering and desaturation of generic field deposition scenarios for thickened tailings
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Wu, AX; Wang, J; Wang, S; Yang, X; Zhou, F Application of clay-rich full plant tailings paste backfill technology
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Khodayari, F; Pourrahimian, Y; Ben-Awuah, E Application of mathematical modelling for draw control under material flow uncertainty
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Cortolezzis, DM; Hudyma, MR Application of sequential spatial clustering and fractal dimension to caving seismic event parameters of time, distance, and intensity
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Fisseha, B; Wilson, GW; Simms, P Assessment of self-weight consolidation of flocculated fluid fine tailings under various environmental conditions
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Sainsbury, B; Sainsbury, D; Carroll, D Back-analysis of PC1 cave propagation and subsidence behaviour at the Cadia East mine
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
McPhail, GI Beach prediction experience to date: further development and review of the stream power-entropy approach
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Ross, IT Benchmarking and its application for caving projects
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Verdoorn, F; Owens, B; Gibbs, K Case study – SIMEC Mining Big Baron Pit successful tailings dewatering and management using WaterShed polymer
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Chafy, A; Tidswell, M; Lane, C Case study: project start-up for thickened graphite tailings, storage and water recovery strategies
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Moss, A; Klein, B; Nadolski, S Cave to mill: improving value of caving operations
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Fuenzalida, MA; Pierce, ME; Katsaga, T REBOP–FLAC3D hybrid approach to cave modelling
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Amoah, N; Dressel, W; Fourie, AB Characterisation of unsaturated geotechnical properties of filtered magnetite tailings in a dry stack facility
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Hadjigeorgiou, J; Tomasone, P Characterising the behaviour of rockbolts based on in situ pull tests
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Paredes, P; Leano, T; Jauriat, L Chuquicamata underground mine design: the simplification of the ore handling system of Lift 1
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Wu, AX; Jiang, GZ; Wang, Y; Wang, YM; Wang, HJ; Li, C Compressive strength behaviour of sulphur tailings paste backfill: effects of binders and additives
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Esterhuizen, HCJ Controlling the effects of stress and seismicity in a sublevel caving operation
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Quinteiro, C Design of a new layout for sublevel caving at depth
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Fitton, TG; Henriksson, B; Ruhanen, E Designing the Siilinjärvi thickened tailings storage facility
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Arancibia, M; Soto, F Developing projects using CaveLogicTM
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Chester, C; Cuello, D; Basson, G Development and implementation of the Short Term Activity Tracker and Mine Control Trigger Response System
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Clayton, MA; Dugie, M; LeRiche, A; McKane, C; Davies, AGL Development of a monitoring network for surface subsidence at New Gold's New Afton block cave operation
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Crook, K; Prince, F Development planning for the Oyu Tolgoi panel cave mine
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Moreno, JJ; Kendall, S; Ortiz, A Dewatering options for management of fine gold tailings in Western Australian Goldfields
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Karampinos, E; Baek, B; Hadjigeorgiou, J Discrete element modelling of a laboratory static test on welded wire mesh
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Hocking, R; Balog, G; Ormerod, T; Pearce, H Early cave management at the Carrapateena sublevel cave
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Graham, LJW; Short, G; Chryss, A; Constanti-Carey , K; Wu, J Effect of additives on suspension pipe flow
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Senapati, PK; Pothal, JK; Barik, R; Kumar, R; Bhatnagar, SK Effect of particle size, blend ratio and some selective bio‑additives on rheological behaviour of high‑concentration iron ore slurry
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Campbell, AD Effects of blast ring burden and explosive density on fragmentation and ore recovery in sublevel cave mines
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Jonsson, K; Martinsson, J Evaluating the effect on seismicity of a hydraulic fracturing trial using Bayesian data analysis
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Boxill, L; Costine, A; Fawell, P; Catling, M; Bellwood, J Evaluating the shear resistance and ultimate dewatering performance of polymer-treated tailings
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Tishkov, M Evaluation of caving as a mining method for the Udachnaya underground diamond mine project
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Castro, R; Arancibia, L; Guzman, D; Henriquez, JP Experiments and simulation of gravity flow in block caving through FlowSim
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Chaponnel, J; Wisdom, T FLSmidth Colossal filter – demonstration plant
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Diering, T; Breed, F Footprint Finder tool for sublevel caving
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Campbell, AD Full-scale experiments to measure the effect of crosscut height on recovery in sublevel cave mines
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Eriksson, C; Nyström, A Garpenberg mine – 10 years of mining with paste backfill
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Llewelyn, K; Jakubec, J; Goddard, R; Stenhouse, P Geotechnical data collection and approach to modelling for the Cukaru Peki deposit
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Reid, D; Fourie, AB Geotechnical effects of polymer treatment on tailings – state of knowledge review
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Wisdom, T; Jacobs, M; Chaponnel, J GeoWasteTM – continuous comingled tailings for large‑scale mines
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Henning, MG Grade control and segregation at New Gold’s New Afton block cave operation, Kamloops, British Columbia
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Beard, D; Brannon, C Grasberg Block Cave mine: cave planning and undercut sequencing
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Castro, R; Cuello, D Hang-up analysis and modelling for Cadia East PC1-S1 and PC2-S1
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
Gopalakrishnan, V; Nester, T; Mgumbwa, J; Holtzhausen, W Harvesting tailings from an active tailings storage facility: success and challenges – Frog’s Leg mine, Evolution Mining
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Barrera, S; Engels, J High-density thickening for large production rates: main challenges
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Munro, LD; Smirk, DD How thick is thick enough?
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Brown, LG; Hudyma, MR Identifying a migrating stress front using apparent stress for an unplanned rock mass cave
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
de Wit, T; Olivier, G Imaging and monitoring tailings dam walls with ambient seismic noise
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Engels, J; Gonzalez, H; Aedo, G; McPhail, GI Implementation of spigot discharge systems for high-density tailings at Sierra Gorda Sociedad Contractual Minera, Chile
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Fabian, K Implementation-based design – upfront thinking for tailings, soft soil, sediment and fly ash projects
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Cooling, D Improving the sustainability of residue management practices
Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Paste2018
Shelswell, KJ; Labrecque, PO; Morrison, DM Increasing productive capacity in block caving mines
Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Caving 2018
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