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Authors Title Year
Ouffa, N; Benzaazoua, M; Belem, T; Trauchessec, R; Lecomte, A An alternative to NaOH in the alkali-activation of ground granulated blast furnace slag in the formulation of cemented paste backfills
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Lecomte, A; Charmoille, A; Laoufa, F; Rupasinghe, S; Gombert, P An example of a comprehensive technical and administrative mine closure process on the Urcuit mining site (France)
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Robinson, J; Klimczak, P; Smyth, N An innovative approach to accommodate the draft National Mine Closure Strategy in South Africa by predicting pit lake water quality and generating a post closure resource using passive treatment
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Tremblay, G; Kelley, B; Davies, M An update on the international network for acid prevention
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Feng, XT; Dong, JH; Wang, L; Kienberger, T; Zhang, H Analysis of space resources characteristics and transformation paths of mine closure in China
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Inci, YS; Uzunçelebi, G; Ürkmez, H; Ennis, S; Kimball, P; Ruiz Castro, E Application of filtered tailings storage method at Tüprag Efemçukuru Gold Mine
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Roberts, T; Faulkner, D; Koekemoer, R Application of modern pumpable polyester resin to the mining cycle
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Inci, YS; Uzunçelebi, G; Ürkmez, H; Ennis, S; Kimball, P; Ruiz Castro, E Application of risk-based tailings management at Tüprag Efemçukuru Gold Mine
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Gélinas, L-P; Alcott, J Arctic backfilling: challenges and lessons-learned
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Koleshwar, A; Tortini, R; Falorni, G Assessing tailings consolidation and changes in supernatant pond area using InSAR and the normalised difference moisture index
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Belem, T; Mbonimpa, M; Oke, J; Gélinas, LP Assessment of static liquefaction susceptibility of early age cemented paste backfills
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Fisseha, BT; Wilson, GW; Fredlund, DG Assessment on consolidation behaviours of treated fluid fine tailings using applied suction method
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Sciacca, JE; Wielinga, BW; Johnson, BS; Riese, AC; Andrews, CB Attenuation of acid rock drainage from buffering by naturally occurring calcite at the Leviathan Sulfur Mine, California
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Franke, J; Gonzalez, C Automated ground support deformation monitoring: a novel method with new opportunities for geotechnical engineers
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Henriquez, F; Navarrete, R Automated reinforcement of orepasses in the Andes Norte project
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Ergun, S; Cambio, D; Williams, CP; Gaida, M; Lawrence, K; Katsaga, T; Lorig, L; Weigel, J; Gibbs, J; Chapin, G; Peik, B; Sankhaneel, S Back-analysis of the Bingham Canyon Mine southeast wall: a complex slope failure mechanism called Leo
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, SSIM 2023
Kalonji, K; Mbonimpa, M; Belem, T; Ouellet, S; Gélinas, LP Backfilling in the permafrost: predicting pressure loss and temperature distribution along the paste backfill pipeline system
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Thompson, BD; Veenstra, RL; Carmichael, P; Bawden, WF; Grabinsky, MW Best practices in continuously (or not continuously) pouring paste backfill
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Balthazar, D; Fleming, L; Vlot, E Case study: Brucejack paste backfill pumping system
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Wickens, J; Dreyer, Z; Gerhardi, J; van der Spuy, B Case study: Holistic test work campaigns for tailings management system designs
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Olsen, C; Rahal, K Case study: the impact of tailings properties on conveying system designs
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Muñoz, A; Cifuentes, C Case study: use of rebars with microalloyed steels in tunnels with induced seismicity
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Grabinsky, MW; Thompson, BD; Veenstra, RL Cemented paste backfill strength profiles for continuous pouring and liquefaction resistance
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Darakjian, T; Luck, S; Luck, D; Xu, C; Moffitt, K; Nicoll, S; Tennant, D; Pothitos, F Challenges of characterising a highly altered and variable rock mass for open pit slope design optimisation
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, SSIM 2023
O'Kane, M; Pretorius, C; Harrington, J; Clark, M Clean water by design—The impact of landform design on long-term water stewardship
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Myers, K; Nahir, M; Gillis, C; Shah, J Clinton creek abandoned mine/interim spillway reclamation project—status of the channel restoration effort
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Meikle, CD; Skorulis, A; Cupitt, P Closure concepts for sustainable groundwater management: A case study
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Espezúa, JM; Vasquez, EL Closure cost estimate—an approach to estimate productivities of main closure activities
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Finucane, SJ; Bibby, RA Closure disclosure—mine closure planning and reporting through an ESG lens
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Getty, R Closure IS change. Change takes time and needs support. It's a smouldering fuse, not a 'burning platform'
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Evans, E; Castendyk, D; Verburg, R; Nutini, J; Matznick, A; Cavalieri, L Closure modeling of the Eagle Ni-Cu mine, Michigan: Part 2. Limnology and water quality of the Humboldt Tailings Disposal Facility, a pit lake used for sub-aqueous tailings disposal
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Castendyk, D; Evans, E; Banton, D; Nutini, J; Young, A Closure modelling of the Eagle Ni-Cu mine, Michigan: Part 1. Hydrogeology and water quality of the underground mine pool
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Yuan, XS; Wang, N; Dunmola, A; Curran, M; Sharp, J; Lanoue, A Co-processing of fresh oil sand tailings and fluid fine tailings
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Forbes, B; Vlachopoulos, N; Diederichs, MS Coaxial load development along grouted plain strand cable bolts determined by distributed fibre optic strain sensing
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Bunting, L; Keller, J; Milczarek, M; Jim, C; Bansah, K Cold desert evapotranspiration cover system design
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Preston, RP; Pakula, AL; MacInnis, C Cold joints and hot pours in the arctic: design, implementation; and post construction investigation of a remotely placed Self Consolidating Concrete sill pillar
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Talmon, AM; Meshkati, E; Nabi, M; Simms, P; Nik, RM Comparing various thixotropic models and their performance in predicting flow behavior of treated tailings
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Osses, B Comparison of post-closure regulatory frameworks in Australia and South American countries
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Vallejos, JA; Cuello, D; Contardo, S; Martinez, J; Velasquez, J Comprehensive three-dimensional geological–geostatistical–numerical model for open pit mining in competent rock
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, SSIM 2023
Condon, K; Martin, J; Valerio, M Considerations for developing intact rock strength parameters for open pit applications
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, SSIM 2023
Maier, A; Finisdore, J; Gimber, C Considering natural capital in mining, and its implications for mine closure
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Kabwe, LK; Wilson, GW; Barsi, D; Beier, NA Consolidation and unsaturated properties of in-line flocculated fluid fine tailings and centrifuged tailings from oil sands mines
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Yuan, PH; Zhan, G; Jones, A; Hufford, R Conversion of an evapotranspiration soil cover to a geosynthetic cover for a waste rock facility closure
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Cerclet, T; Guérin, JE; Savard, V; Zarrougui, R; Simard, M-C; Côté , M; Boucher, J-F; Chesnaux, R Cover layer design based on bauxite residue for ecological restoration: A Northern climatic zone study case—geochemical phase
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Anderson, D; Foot, D; Bonilla, T Creating shared value and positive legacies from a transitional working landscape in Panama
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Gregory, G; Pedlar-Hobbs, R; Chubb, D Creating value in the post-closure period through collaborative closure planning
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Moffitt, K Critical challenges impacting the advancement of slope design reliability
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, SSIM 2023
Kellner, JR; Hall, A; Tanentzap, FM Critical timelines and pathways: addressing environmental, social, governance and permitting
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Duran, A Data overload: Does more data really resolve uncertainty?
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, SSIM 2023
Dadashzadeh, N; Moreau-Verlaan, L; Kalenchuk, K Delineation of hazard-based design events for dynamic support system analysis
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Hamelehle, J; Schmitt, C; Keat, J Design and commissioning of coal fly ash filter plant
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Lundmark, K; Abranovic, D; Kafle, A Design and regulatory approval of a novel in-situ salt cap for final closure of contaminated wastewater ponds at a brine mining operation
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Lee, C Design of a reliable pressure measurement method for paste backfill pipelines
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Galluzzi, R; Holden, M; Dodds, A; Matthews, J; Bennett, A Design, development and testing of the Falcon Bolt
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Bowell, RJ; Anderson, B; Kruger, R; Clarkson, B; Chutas, N; Carpenter, A; Parshley, J Determination of groundwater-pit lake interactions, Liberty Pit, Tonopah, Nevada, USA
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Tang, G; Guo, L; Liu, G; Yang, X Determination of the relationship between direct tensile test and Brazilian splitting test of cemented tailings backfill
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Laggan, J; Townsen, D; Aiello, K; Engel, A; Wagoner, G Determining environmental impacts from historical uranium mining operations using multiple lines of evidence and communicating the process and conclusions to the community
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Esau, M; Cole, MJ; Broadhurst, JL; Chimbganda, T; Abrams, A Developing a national mine closure risk and opportunity atlas for South Africa
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Nupehewa, J; Palmer, J; Suvio, P; Koponen, V; Safonov, D Developing predictive empirical filtration models for advanced tailings handling
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Grant, CD; Grant, NL; Parry, ML Development and implementation of a state and transition successional model for Ranger mine closure (Northern Territory, Australia)
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Stoch, B; Darakjian, T; Zorzi, L; Luck, S; Luck, D; Moffitt, K; Nicoll, S; Tennant, D; Pothitos, F Development of a fully constrained structural model in a volcano caldera and its influence on open pit slope design
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, SSIM 2023
Herrington, RJ; Alonzo, D; Armstrong, RN; Balboa, CJ; Baniasadi, M; Beltran, A; Brito-Parada, PR; Cording, HM; Creedy, T; Dalona, IM; Dybowska, A; Graham, A; Guihawan, J; Jungblut, AD; Madamba, RS; Magliulo, M; Maulas, K; Mondejar, AJ; Orbecido, A; Paglinawan, F; Plancherel, Y; Prasow-Emond, M; Promentilla, MA; Rasheed, S; Resabal, VJ; Salatino, S; Santos, A; Schofield, PF; Suelto, M; Sumaya, NH; Tabelin, CB; Villacorte-Tabelin, M Development of a site-specific system for the rehabilitation of a former copper mine, Sto. Niño, Philippines
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Armstrong, RN; Alonzo, D; Dalona, IM; Villacorte-Tabelin, M; Tabelin, CB; Beltran, A; Orbecido, A; Brito-Parada, PR; Plancherel, Y; Santos, A; Herrington, R; Jungblut, AD; Schofield, PF; Promentilla, MA; Resabal, VJ; Pisda, PF; Ananayo, A; Lawangen, A; Suelto, M Development of a site-specific system for the rehabilitation of legacy mines: The challenges of social, geological, hydrological, and biological data integration
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Nikl, J; Simzer, J; Kennard, D; Slater, M Development of a site-specific, relative hazard prioritization tool at a legacy mine district in British Columbia
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Nasir, MA; Powell, C Development of Leeb hardness field test methodology to be used during rock core logging
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, SSIM 2023
Sanchez, B; Sutta, M; Soto, J; Benites, I Dry stacked filtered tailings: seepage behaviour during the construction process
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Punkkinen, A; Li, G; Taheri, A Dynamic impact and static testing of self-drilling dynamic bolt types installed in Normet’s urea-silicate injection resin: a new path forward to reducing worker exposure to high-stress ground conditions
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Rigby, A Dynamic modelling of strainbursting around tunnels
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Kalenchuk, K; Dadashzadeh, N; Moreau-Verlaan, L Dynamic support evaluations for implementation by seismic hazard domains
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Venter, DL; Knox, G Effect of mobilised length on the performance of a paddled energy-absorbing rockbolt
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Dunow, T Effective strategies for estimating design growth in mine closure
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Le, VH; Pabst, T Effects of low suction and wetting–drying cycles on filtered tailings shear strength
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Graham, J; Waheed, U; Mikula, PA Empirical charting for dynamic ground support at Flying Fox and Spotted Quoll mines
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Eggers, MJ Engineering geological models in open pit slope engineering
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, SSIM 2023
Celis, MS; Parraguez, RA Estimate of ground support response under dynamic loads at El Teniente mine, Codelco, Chile
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Jackson, TR; Zhan, G Estimating baseline water levels for mine closure
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Pirouz, B; Lu, Z; Javadi, S Estimating rheological properties of liquefied tailings for dam break simulation using site-specific parameters and laboratory testing
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Ruswa, NA Evaluating the contribution of integrated mine closure and post-closure in realising community orientated Sustainable Development Goals
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Burden, R; Wilson, GW Evaluating the dry stacking performance of commingled waste rock and filtered tailings
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Koenig, J; Dowd, A; Ballantyne, J; Schroeter, R Evaluation of automatic polymer dosing control to optimise the performance of belt presses
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Machin, D Evaluation of commingled tailings and waste rock as an integrated approach to mine waste management: outcomes of a pre-pilot trial
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Rogers, S; Valerio, M; Fogel, Y; Byrne, C; Ojeda, P Evaluation of inter-ramp scale non-daylighting wedges using a discrete fracture network-based method
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, SSIM 2023
Haagner, ASH; van Wyk, SJ Evapotranspiration to minimise acid mine decant from a decommissioned colliery
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Forbes, A; Ferrier, A Evolution Mount Rawdon—an integrated closure planning case study
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Laberge, SL; Kolstad, DC; Dehler, WG; Kalmes, AR Evolution of closure planning for an inactive tailings facility
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Rojas, E; Muñoz, A; Landeros Córdova, P Evolution of dynamic rock support systems at the El Teniente mine
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Burns, JM Evolution of ground support designs for blasthole stoping in kimberlite at Diavik Diamond Mine
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Newcomen, HW; Schmidt, E; Sabo, S Evolution of the pit slope design process at Western Mesquite Mines
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, SSIM 2023
Navarrete, R; Valdivia, R; Bisa, L Excavation and support of ventilation shafts with blind hole methodology in the Andes Norte project
Ground Support 2023: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ground Support in Mining, Ground Support 2023
Ross, DG Exceptional travel distance for a Pilbara failure
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, SSIM 2023
Rafraf, G; Belem, T; Mrad, H; Gélinas, L-P; Krichen, A Experimental validation of a prediction model of the compressive strength of cemented rockfills
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Zhu, Y; Zhou, JW; Su, DH; Feng, HB; Hou, QQ; Feng, CX Exploring the paths of ecological transformation of mining wastelands under the market-oriented model: A case study of the remediation of Lingshan Mining Wasteland in Jiangxia District, Wuhan, China
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Baczynski, NRP; Bar, N; Firouz, NC Factors impacting and controlling water erosion of rock benches and slopes
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, SSIM 2023
Diaz, A; Ahmed, I; Kerry, P; Corrigan, P; Stewart, F Filtered tailings plant design at Krumovgrad Mine
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
Sormunen, MEO; Esberg, C; Saiang, D First geomorphic site in Scandinavia—current status
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Milczarek, M; Keller, J; Yao, T-m Flow and transport in novel subsurface flow systems
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Lafortune, S; Gouzy, A; Vuidart, I Forecast and mitigation of the pressure build-up in a depleted mine gas reservoir: case study in a French coal basin
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Goldstein, D; Pace, R; Jung, JD; Young, D; Le Roux, KA Framework to predict open pit mine failure runout
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, SSIM 2023
Pires, AB; Weber, CC From coal mine to sanitary landfill: The rehabilitation of Recreio Mine in Butiá, Brazil
Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure, Mine Closure 2023
Correia, LDC; Brown, RE; Moore, D Fruta del Norte paste plant – case study
Paste 2023: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Paste 2023
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